Python Program to find secret Number Guessing Game

2 min readOct 15, 2020

In this section, you are going to play the “Guess the Number” game. In the first step you have think about a random number from 1 to 100 and the computer will tell you if each estimate is too high or too low. If you can beat the number of attempts you win.

It’s a good game to code because it uses random numbers, loops and input from the user in a small program. Since this program is a game, we call the user player. But the “user” is also correct.

So let’s understand this concept how it works.

1. Choose a Number between 0 to 100. It means you choose that number in your mind and run the program.

2. Computer ask to you number is 50?

3. If the number you think is less than 50 then type l for low and if the number is greater than 50 then type h for high.

4. Repeat the step. when you find correct number type c. It shows invalid output if you entered any wrong input.

Let’s take a look at code how to play number guessing game in Python Programming.

choose a number between 0 and 100 Is your number= 50.0? enter h for guess is too high, l for guess is too low, c for guessed correctlyh Is your number= 25.0? enter h for guess is too high, l for guess is too low, c for guessed correctlyl Is your number= 37.5? enter h for guess is too high, l for guess is too low, c for guessed correctlyl Is your number= 43.75? enter h for guess is too high, l for guess is too low, c for guessed correctlyl Is your number= 46.875? enter h for guess is too high, l for guess is too low, c for guessed correctlyc your number is approximate to 46.875

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